41 research outputs found

    Current and Future Issues in BPM Research: A European Perspective from the ERCIS Meeting 2010

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    Business process management (BPM) is a still-emerging field in the academic discipline of Information Systems (IS). This article reflects on a workshop on current and future issues in BPM research that was conducted by seventeen IS researchers from eight European countries as part of the 2010 annual meeting of the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS). The results of this workshop suggest that BPM research can meaningfully contribute to investigating a broad variety of phenomena that are of interest to IS scholars, ranging from rather technical (e.g., the implementation of software architectures) to managerial (e.g., the impact of organizational culture on process performance). It further becomes noticeable that BPM researchers can make use of several research strategies, including qualitative, quantitative, and design-oriented approaches. The article offers the participants’ outlook on the future of BPM research and combines their opinions with research results from the academic literature on BPM, with the goal of contributing to establishing BPM as a distinct field of research in the IS discipline

    Universiteto studijų valdymo analizė veiklos analitikos priemonėmis

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    21-ojo amžiaus pirmajame dešimtmetyje veiklos analitikos priemonių ir technologijų plėtra turi aiškią tendenciją – jeigu iki šiol jos buvo naudojamos daugiausiai didelėse ir turtingose kompanijose, tai dabar vis plačiau pradedamos naudoti vidutinėse ir mažose įmonėse bei organizacijoje. Straipsnyje aptariama, kaip šias priemones ir technologijas reiktų naudoti universitete studentų mokymui ir studijų proceso valdymo tobulinimui. Straipsnio pradžioje aptariami svarbiausieji organizacijų veiklos analitikos priemonių privalumai ir komponentai – duomenų saugyklos ir duomenų vitrinos, o taip pat įvairios klientų duomenų prieigos ir analizės priemonės, pradedant įvairiomis užklausomis bei ataskaitomis ir baigiant multidimensine analize su tiesioginio analitinio apdorojimo kubais, švieslentėmis ir kita informacijos vizualizavimo technika. Straipsnis baigiamas veiklos analitikos priemonių naudojimo aptarimu Kauno technologijos universitete. Aptartos veiklos analitikos studijos ir įkurtoji mokomoji-mokslinė laboratorija. Pateikiami KTU Informatikos fakulteto akademinių duomenų analizės rezultatų pavyzdžiai, gauti naudojant veiklos analitikos priemones ir technologijas.In the first decade of the 21st century development of business intelligence tools and technologies keep clear tendency – if until nowadays it has been used only by large and rich companies, hence today it started to be used by small and midsize enterprises and organizations. In this article application of these tools and technologies for improvement of university study management is discussed. The advantages of main enterprise activity analysis tools and components – data warehouse and data marts – are presented and also various client access and analysis tools are listed in the beginning of the article. To begin at various queries and reports, and finishing at multidimensional analysis with online analytical processing cubes, dashboards and other information visualization techniques. Usage of business intelligence tools at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU, Lithuania) is discussed at the end of the article. Business intelligence studies and established educational research laboratory presented. Examples of KTU Faculty of Informatics student data analysis results collected using business intelligence tools and technologies are given

    The business rules repository for information systems design

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    Abstract. Business rules approach is a modern methodology that could help to improve both qualitative and quantitative properties of traditional Information Systems (IS). In this paper the basics of this approach are discussed and the best known methods of classifying and modelling business rules are analysed. The main aspects of the creation of business rules repository are viewed through and business rules structuring process is discussed. Basing on the analysis, conceptual business rule repository model is proposed and the process of rule registration is described. Structuring of business rules is illustrated by an example. Conceptual model of business rule manipulation mechanism based on event interception and appropriate rule implementation is presented.

    MBSEsec: Model-based systems engineering method for creating secure systems

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    This paper presents how Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) could be leveraged in order to mitigate security risks at an early stage of system development. Primarily, MBSE was used to manage complex engineering projects in terms of system requirements, design, analysis, verification, and validation activities, leaving security aspects aside. However, previous research showed that security requirements and risks could be tackled in the MBSE model, and powerful MBSE tools such as simulation, change impact analysis, automated document generation, validation, and verification could be successfully reused in the multidisciplinary field. This article analyzes various security-related techniques and then clarifies how these techniques can be represented in the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) model and then further exploited with MBSE tools. The paper introduces the MBSEsec method, which gives guidelines for the security analysis process, the SysML/UML-based security profile, and recommendations on what security technique is needed at each security process phase. The MBSEsec method was verified by creating an application case study that reflects real-world problems and running an experiment where systems and security engineers evaluated the feasibility of our approach

    Programinės įrangos reikalavimų modeliavimo metodikos taikymas MagicDraw UML įrankyje

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    UML kalba yra pripažįstama faktiniu programinės įrangos modeliavimo standartu. Tačiau analizuojant programinės įrangos reikalavimus yra įprasta remtis tik naudojimo atvejų ir veiklos diagramomis, sutelkiant dėmesį į tekstinius reikalavimų aprašymus, kartais papildomus neformaliomis grafinėmis iliustracijomis. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiama metodika, skatinanti programinės įrangos reikalavimams modeliuoti sistemingai naudoti įvairias UML diagramas. Šios metodikos taikymas iliustruojamas pavyzdinės informacinės sistemos MagisTest reikalavimų modelio artefaktais. [...]UML is considered to be de facto standard for software modeling. However, in software requirements analysis it is quite common to apply only use case and activity diagrams and focus on the textual requirements specification with some non-standard graphical illustrations. In this paper we present a framework for modeling software requirements consistently using multiple UML diagrams. We illustrate the application of this framework with the examples of different requirements artifacts based on a case study system MagicTest. We discuss how such a framework could be implemented in one of the most popular UML tools, MagicDraw UML, by using its powerful features for customizing the modeling environment, defining methodology wizards, specifying validation rules, analyzing model element relationships, and generating documentation based on user-defined templates. We recognize that our approach provides the foundation, which could and should be refined and extended for special cases of requirements analysis. Our work should be considered as a starting point for practitioners trying to adopt UML for requirements analysis and for scientists working on creating more detailed requirements analysis methods based on UMLKauno technologijos universitetasTaikomosios informatikos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta